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Ayurvedic Pillows Scent Your Roots

Ayurvedic Pillow For Vata Person


Vata types are like the wind and their quickly changing moods reflects this hectic pace. They are generally imaginative, eccentric and excitable. When balanced, Vata types are often artists and visionaries with a strong sense of human unity. Due to their idealism and spirituality, they are often healers and teachers. When out of balance they can be indecisive, unreliable, restless, overly talkative, superficial and anxious. When completely out of balance, they can fearful, secretive, depressed, mentally disturbed and even suicidal. Their bodies can be thin due to the inefficient way in which they expend energy. Vata types can become especially moody and anxious when they miss a meal. They also lack in endurance and often have to take a break to re-cuperate. Vata type prefers warm climate, food and drink. Strongly  creative, Vata types tend to move on to new pursuits before finishing old projects. They thrive with lots of healing massage, entertainment and total relaxation. A regular schedule can help dispel their anxieties and  promote inner harmony.

Ayurvedic Pillow,vata perosn, pitta person, khapa person,
Ayurvedic Pillow For Pitta Person

Pitta types are like fire: energetic , dynamic and passionate, yet destructive when out of control. They are known from their sharp, efficient intellect and also their sharp anger. When balanced, Pitta types are the most intelligent, perceptive and courageous of the three types. They can be warm, friendly, independent, and make good leaders. The Pitta personality loves competition, but their perfectionist tendencies often arise as sharp criticism of themselves and others. They tend to dislike heat, preferring cool climates, foods and drinks, and often have especially hearty appetites. They are determined and tend to pursue their strengths single-mindedly, sometimes at the cost of  more holistic balance. Although experts at putting their ideas into effect, they often lack a sense of compromise. When out of balance Pitta types can be impulsive, ambitious, aggressive, dominating, manipulating, angry and frustrated. When completely out of balance they can be hateful, vindictive, even psychopathic or criminal. When well fed and content, their natural heat creates courage and clarity. Pitta people need cool sweet smelling scents to keep the mind calm, cool and balanced.

Ayurvedic Pillow,vata perosn, pitta person, khapa person,
Ayurvedic Pillow For Kapha Person

Kapha people. like the water and earth, tend towards a more stable and grounded nature than the other Ayurvedic types. They are often said to move through life with the grace and ease of a swan. as solid and centered as a mountain, when balanced, Kapha people are loving, peaceful, compassionate, nurturing and supportive. But if out of balance, Kapha people controlling, greedy, and materialistic. Kapha people are consistent, calm, patient and thorough. They are considered the kindest and best listeners of the 3 types with good care giving skills. Slow to anger, when finally provoked, their explosive rage is uncontainable. When completely out of balance, they are the ultimate ' couch potatoes' - lethargic, and downright lazy. Because of their ability to gain weight easily, their bodies are usually well-nourished and healthy. Although intellectually slower than the other two type, once they learn they seldom forget. Kapha people make excellent managers due to their friendly, open disposition, but their stable nature can lead to mental and emotional dullness. The Kapha type requires pungent and reviving scents to break up their natural lethargy.

Ayurvedic Pillow,vata perosn, pitta person, khapa person,
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